Barbra Streisand’s Fierce Stand for Democracy: Why She Almost Left America Twice!

Barbra Streisand is not just a legendary performer; she is also a fierce advocate for democracy and a vocal critic of authoritarianism, particularly in the context of former President Donald Trump’s tenure. Over the years, Streisand has consistently used her platform to speak out against what she perceives as threats to democratic values, and she has done so with a passion that mirrors her commitment to her art.

Streisand’s outspokenness became particularly prominent during Trump’s presidency. In a 2023 interview with Stephen Colbert, she candidly expressed her disdain for the possibility of Trump returning to the presidency, humorously suggesting that she might relocate to England if that were to happen. This sentiment was not new; back in 2016, she had made a similar statement to Australian journalist Michael Usher, indicating she might move to Canada or Australia if Trump won the election. However, rather than fleeing, Streisand chose to stay and fight, using her music as a means to channel her frustration and resistance.

In 2018, Streisand released her album Walls, which served as a pointed critique of Trump’s leadership. The album, particularly the song “Don’t Lie to Me,” is a direct response to what she sees as the deception and dishonesty that characterized Trump’s presidency. Through her music, Streisand conveyed her deep concerns about the direction in which the country was heading, making a bold statement about the importance of truth and integrity in leadership.

Streisand’s activism is not limited to her music. In her memoir My Name is Barbra, she elaborates on her political views, expressing her support for Hillary Clinton and her disdain for Trump, whom she described as “a liar.” Streisand also reflects on the broader role of artists in society, asserting that they have a responsibility to act as the “conscience” of the nation. She believes that through their work, artists can challenge the status quo, give voice to the voiceless, and speak out against injustices that others might prefer to ignore.

This belief in the power of art to influence society is a central theme in Streisand’s activism. She argues that art is inherently opposed to tyranny and dictatorship because it encourages critical thinking and challenges oppressive narratives. In her view, artists have a duty to be politically active and to question authority, particularly in times of crisis. For Streisand, silence is not an option when the stakes are so high.

Streisand’s criticism of Trump is particularly scathing when it comes to his relationship with the truth. In her memoir, she remarks that Trump “lies as easily as he breathes,” a behavior she finds deeply troubling. Her Jewish heritage adds another layer to her critique, as she humorously notes that Trump’s apparent lack of guilt over his lies is something she finds particularly baffling. This sharp wit and biting humor are characteristic of Streisand, who is not afraid to use her platform to call out what she sees as moral failings in leadership.

With the election of Joe Biden, Streisand has expressed a sense of relief and optimism. She has publicly praised Biden, highlighting his compassion, honesty, and integrity as qualities that set him apart from his predecessor. In interviews, she has spoken about her admiration for Biden’s commitment to facts and his long experience in public service. For Streisand, Biden represents a return to a more principled and fact-based approach to governance, something she feels the country desperately needs.

Streisand’s advocacy for democracy extends beyond her opposition to Trump. She is a passionate believer in the importance of active citizenship and the responsibility of every individual to engage in the political process. For her, democracy is not something that can be taken for granted; it must be actively defended and nurtured. This belief has driven her to remain politically engaged throughout her life, using her celebrity status to raise awareness about issues she cares deeply about.

In conclusion, Barbra Streisand’s legacy as an artist is matched by her legacy as an activist. She has consistently used her platform to speak out against what she sees as threats to democracy, particularly during the Trump era. Through her music, her writing, and her public statements, Streisand has made it clear that she will not stand idly by while the values she holds dear are under attack. Her unwavering commitment to truth, integrity, and justice serves as an inspiration to many, reminding us all of the power of using our voices to stand up for what is right.

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