Horror! 80 Year Old Retired Arab Has Disfigured 19 Year Old Girlfriend Out Of…
A Muslim, aged 80, settled in the United Kingdom, paid a villain to throw sulfuric acid on the face of his former…
These Pictures Encapsulate The Backlash In Ferguson Last Night
The highly-anticipated grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and…
WATCH: Full ‘Jurassic World’ Trailer
Universal Pictures posted two days ago the official trailer of "Jurassic World". In just two days, the video gone…
Watch: Passengers push frozen Siberian plane
Russian passengers hoping to leave the small city of Igarka in the Krasnoyarsk Krai region of Siberia had to push…
Guess What Happens When A Man Pets A Great White Shark
This video was posted on Youtube in 2009 but it-s still viral. More than 300 000 people watched it.
This ideo…
Amazing. Ping Pong In Subway Station Using Mouth Clicks
The video "Epic London Underground Ping Pong Battle " was posted on Youtube by Thomas and gone viral. In just 2…
Woman Dies After Scan At Airport. You Must See What Happened
Diana died after airport scan
Last week, a woman named Diana Tolstova was killed by an airport security scanner…
“It’s A Sign From The Devil!” She Was Cutting A Pepper In Half…
The picture made by an woman went viral on the internet and has sparked much controversy. The woman took the…
Must Watch: Don’t Reach For That $100 Bill On Your Windshield
This is a new type of scam that trick thousounds of people in US. Authorities are warning the public about a…