World’s Oldest Woman Reveals The Surprising Food That Prolonged Her Life!

Maria Branyas Morera’s story continues to captivate many who seek the secret to a long life. Living to the age of 117 is rare, and she attributed much of her extended lifespan to simple yet profound practices. Among these practices, the most notable was her daily consumption of yogurt, which she believed played a key role in her overall well-being.

Maria celebrated 117 birthdays in her lifetime

A Life of Resilience

Maria was born in the U.S. in 1907 but spent much of her life in Spain. Throughout her 117 years, she lived through some of the most significant events in history, including both World Wars, the Spanish Flu, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Her long life also allowed her to witness the passing of her eldest son, August, who died at the age of 86. Despite the hardships, Maria continued to maintain a positive outlook on life.

Many have wondered if there is a specific formula for such longevity. Maria herself said, “I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics.” But beyond luck, she emphasized the importance of nutrition, emotional stability, and maintaining strong connections with loved ones. “I have always believed that good nutrition and avoiding toxic people are important for a long life,” she once shared.

There are a number of factors behind her long life.

The Magic of Yogurt

Out of all the foods Maria consumed, yogurt stood out as her daily staple. In a world where superfoods and trendy diets often dominate the conversation, Maria’s love for yogurt seemed almost quaint. However, she credited yogurt with being a vital part of her health for over 20 years, describing it as “heavenly manna” and a food that brought dignity and confidence.

Yogurt is known for its probiotic properties, which promote gut health by supporting a healthy balance of bacteria. This, in turn, can improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and even regulate mood. Studies have also shown that fermented foods like yogurt may reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of certain age-related diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis.

Maria often cited a Bulgarian study suggesting that regular yogurt consumption can extend life. She even referenced the Persian tradition, where it was said that the biblical figure Abraham lived for many years because of his regular consumption of yogurt.

Yogurt might be the answer to living a long life.

The Role of Diet in Longevity

Maria’s faith in yogurt’s health benefits aligns with research from Blue Zones—regions where people consistently live beyond 100. These areas include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), and Nicoya (Costa Rica), where diet plays a crucial role in their populations’ longevity.

Dan Buettner, an expert on Blue Zones, highlights several habits that these long-lived individuals share. These include plant-based diets, natural physical activity, and strong social connections. In many of these regions, fermented foods like yogurt are a staple, providing beneficial bacteria that contribute to a balanced immune response and overall well-being.

While yogurt might not be the sole reason Maria lived so long, it certainly complemented her broader approach to life—one that emphasized simplicity, emotional stability, and a connection to the natural world.

Tomiko Itooka pictured celebrating her 116th birthday in Ashiya, Hyogo prefecture, Japan, in May.

Lessons from Centenarians

While Maria’s story is compelling, some scientists urge caution when drawing conclusions from the lifestyles of centenarians. Richard Faragher, a biogerontologist, points out that people who live over 100 often have genetic traits that help them defy the odds of aging. As such, following their specific habits may not necessarily guarantee similar results.

That said, Maria’s lifestyle choices are supported by scientific research on general health and wellness. Eating nutritious foods, avoiding stress, and maintaining strong relationships are known to improve quality of life, if not extend it. Yogurt, rich in probiotics and nutrients, fits neatly into this health-promoting lifestyle.

The Broader Impact of Yogurt on Health

Yogurt’s benefits extend beyond just gut health. Research shows that probiotics can support cardiovascular health, enhance mental well-being, and even help prevent some chronic diseases. By reducing inflammation and promoting a balanced gut microbiome, yogurt may contribute to longevity, especially when combined with a healthy diet.

Although it is not a miracle food, incorporating yogurt into a balanced diet is a simple and effective way to boost overall health. For Maria, this daily practice, combined with her positive outlook and strong family ties, contributed to her remarkable life.


Maria Branyas Morera’s life is a testament to the power of simplicity. While modern diets and health trends may come and go, her daily yogurt habit, combined with emotional stability and strong connections to family, helped her reach an extraordinary age. As she once remarked, “Living a stress-free life and eating well have been my keys to longevity.”

Though we may not all live to be 117, Maria’s example encourages us to focus on the basics: a healthy diet, emotional well-being, and strong relationships. So, the next time you reach for a snack, consider adding yogurt to your routine—it might just be the simplest step toward a longer, healthier life.

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