You Won’t Believe What This Kid Was Selling That Had Neighbors Calling the Cops!

Some people are born with a knack for business, and 11-year-old Seth from Utah is a prime example. This young entrepreneur decided to set up a roadside stand, but instead of the usual lemonade, he chose to sell something with a bit more pizzazz: “Ice Cold Beer.” This simple sign, however, led to quite the commotion in his neighborhood.

A Clever Marketing Move

Seth’s sign reading “Ice Cold Beer” was enough to cause a stir among some of his neighbors. Concerned that a child was selling alcohol, a few of them decided to call the police. Others, however, saw the humor and ingenuity in Seth’s approach and applauded his entrepreneurial spirit.

When the police arrived at Seth’s stand, they quickly discovered the clever twist in his marketing strategy. Seth wasn’t selling beer at all. He was selling root beer, with the word “root” cleverly written in tiny green letters above the larger “Ice Cold Beer” text. This twist had the officers both amused and impressed by his marketing savvy.

The Police Response

Rather than reprimanding Seth, the police officers were entertained by his clever sign. They appreciated the humor and creativity behind it and even decided to support his small business. The officers bought root beer from Seth and helped promote his stand by sharing his story on social media.

Online Reaction

The story quickly went viral once it hit the internet, with people sharing their thoughts and reactions. Many praised Seth for his ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit at such a young age. Comments flooded in, with some individuals criticizing the neighbors who called the police, while others praised the responsible actions of those concerned for their community.

The Brigham City Police Department responded to these comments, stating, “Our citizens should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to call us. They were calling in what they felt was a suspicious circumstance. No harm, no foul.” Their balanced response highlighted the importance of community vigilance while also recognizing the humor in Seth’s marketing strategy.

Entrepreneurial Lessons from Seth

Seth’s story is a delightful reminder of the power of creative thinking and entrepreneurship. At just 11 years old, he demonstrated key business principles: innovation, effective marketing, and adaptability. Instead of going the traditional route of a lemonade stand, Seth chose to stand out by offering something unique and eye-catching.

His ability to attract attention with his “Ice Cold Beer” sign, even if it was misleading at first glance, shows an understanding of how to capture an audience’s interest. This kind of out-of-the-box thinking is a valuable skill in any business venture.

Supporting Young Entrepreneurs

Stories like Seth’s underscore the importance of encouraging and nurturing entrepreneurial skills in children. Young entrepreneurs can benefit greatly from the support and guidance of their communities. By fostering these skills early on, children can develop confidence, creativity, and a practical understanding of business principles.

Parents and educators can take a cue from Seth’s story by encouraging children to explore their interests and ideas. Whether it’s through setting up a small stand, participating in school projects, or even engaging in online business ventures, young people can learn valuable lessons that will serve them well in the future.


Seth’s “Ice Cold Beer” stand is more than just a funny story; it’s a testament to the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit that can thrive even in the youngest individuals. His clever marketing ploy not only garnered the attention of his local community but also captured the hearts of many online. It serves as an inspiring example of how thinking differently and taking risks can lead to success.

So, the next time you see a young person selling lemonade or any other product, remember Seth’s story. They might just be the next great entrepreneur in the making, and with a little support and encouragement, they can turn their small ideas into big successes.

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